Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The overweight causes

      Well the overweight causes can be multiples from the intakes of more then necessary calories until the stress and other outside factors.
     1. It is considerate that the persons which suffer for Alcholism are affected by overweight as well.Then this mean that for solve the obesity problem first we should make a limit for the quantity of alchol that use consum!This is very difficult to do but nothing is impossible.You just have to fight against your owm habits!
    2. Eating desorder is an other importat cause of obesity.As we live in the speed century we eat when ever we have a free moment and what ever we are able to find first.This is a very bad habbit because we lose the control over our alimentation and we use to take more calories that our body need for the normal rutine.
   3. Insufficient or poor quality of sleep is also a factor which drives us to obesity!Yes ,that is true.For the same reason of hurry we sleep less then necessary and our metabolism suffer changes.This metabolism changes also affect our weight.
   4.Overeating-I know that i mentionate the food as a cause of obesity up but eating desorder and overeating are a bit different.Eating desorder refer to our alimentantion program and overeating refers at the quantity of food that we consume.Usual we are mix this to and we eat at the wrong moment and also more that we need.Of course the effects can be seen when we check our weight and on the weight mackine display came the message "One by one ,please!"Now this may look funny but is not!
  5.Smoking is an other factor which cause sometime obesity.Maybe you think right now "She has no idea about what she's talking.Look I'm smoking but I don't have weight problems".Well I didn't said that all overweight persons are also smoking or everyones who smokes is also obesses but the medisc associations said that is an overweight and smoking have commun issues.
  6.Sedentary life style is very important when we talk about obesity.I'm sure that everyone is looking for a job with less phisical effort and so I do.That's why is very important to know how many calories we consume and how many we burn daily.If the calories that we consume are more the the ones we need for our daily rutine the exces calories will be deposited as fat and guess what?Right,our body weight will increase!
  7.Hormonal imbalance and stress are the most important internal causes of obesity.For all the other factors is necessary self-control.We can control the quantity of food that we eat,we can make an alimentation program,we can chose the food that don't contain to many calories and so on.But this two factors,stress and hormonal imbalance are so difficult to control,sometime impossible.That's why is so important to try our best to have a healthy alimentation and life style so that our metabolism won't be distrbed and our body will be able to fight with the internal factors of obesity.

This are the main factors of overweight that I know but if I missed something or if you have some more informations that you like to share feel free to comment!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Overweight ....

Weight problems are in this days very commun and affect children,teen-ages and adults.Overweight is deffined as having more body fat than is optimally healthy.But beeing overweight even if is a commun condition is a big problem.I have to accept that I love fat babies but I know that a fat baby not mean necessary a healty baby.In fact the majority of overweight persons suffer for different health problems.In some reports made over the USA populations a result of more the 64% of population appear to be overweight or worst,even obeses and this percentage seems to encrese every year!
Globally more then 1 billion persons are overweight and majority of the suffer for different health problems.This is an important alarm to all of us and the overweight problem should get more of our attention.
It is considerate that a healthy body need a minimum amount of fat but when this amount accumulate to much it alterate the apparance of the body and give dusfunction of internal system.Overweight cause major problem in the proper function of hormons,reproductive and digestive systems,impare the flexibility of body and many other problems.But beeing overweight not only affect the look of body and the health of the person but also has effects over the psychologic system of a person.An overweight person can lose its self-respect and became deprest because he is not able to solve the weight problems.

The negative health outcome associated with obesity and overweight are general accepted by world medical comunity.The obesity is under the study of beeing the cause of cancer.World wide there are reported daily discriminations caused by the overweight.As you can see by now that the obesity and overweight are very seriouse problems.
I decided to create this blog so we can talk free and anounimous about the weight problems and we can search together for some real solutions to solve this problems which affect us.Be welcame and feel free to comment,send mails with the subjects you will like to know about !